Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Yeah, he really is. I got an email from my agency that said my document can't be picked up until tomorrow morning from the Chinese Embassy. So they are sending it to me via "Delta Dash". Even though I used to work for Delta, I have never heard of that! LOL. Anyway, they are basically putting it on a plane and flying it to me. It will *hopefully*, *prayerfully* arrive tomorrow at the airport in Greensboro (over an hour away) for me to pick it up.

Can you believe it? One obstacle after another. If I make it on that plane on Wednesday it will only be because of Jesus' grace and mercy.


Valerie and Jeff said...

Faith! Keep the Faith!
You are going to be all geared up and in serious fighter mode to face ANYTHING on this trip!
God will use all things for His good--even this I pray! :-)
Can't wait for stories of your journey (and hopefully smooth sailing!)

Kathy said...

I am so sorry you are having to deal with this, but honestly I am not surprised. It seemed stuff like this happened to us all along the way. I am praying that you get everything you need to have before you get on that plane. Fight the GOOD fight sister, it will be worth it !!!

Tara Anderson said...

Good thing for us His grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in our weakness! You'll be on that plane with your POA in hand...and all for the glory of God!

Tara. said...

Oh gosh, the chase continues. I'm hoping this will be the last hurdle! Willa will be with you before you know it! Praying for you!

Janet and Kevin said...

Just finished praying for you. :)

God bless this journey.

Janet, Kevin, Ted, Philip, and Elijah