Friday, September 25, 2009


Our social worker just left! We are officially done with that part of the paperchasing process. We are waiting on the draft, and when it's done, we can apply to the USCIS. I am a little nervous about that, I hear they are pretty tough. But, the end of the paperchase is in sight! Once those two things are done, certified and authenticated, we can send our documents to China! YAY!

The homestudy was a breeze. In the beginning it felt very intrusive. I almost felt like they were trying to "catch" me doing something wrong. I realize now that most of it is because of the Hague rules. The USCIS is very thorough and want LOTS of information. Like I had to twll our SW how many feet were between our bedroom and our daughter's bedroom. That has to actually be listed in the report. So, once I realized how it all plays a part, and they really weren't asking me to provide all of this information for nothing, I felt better about it.

I really enjoyed our social worker, I believe we got lucky. As nice as she is, I am am glad that I don't have to meet her again for a long time. LOL. It is exciting to think that when I meet her again, Jessica will be home.

Anyway, so another step done today. Whew. It feels good.


Tara Anderson said...

Yay!!! One BIG step closer to bringing Jessica home!!!!

Valerie and Jeff said...

That is so wonderful to hear how quickly your road is unfolding before you! I can hardly believe that this Spring that road was just a dream ... and this summer it was newly opened ... and look where you are now! I literally have goosebumps for you all! It's seems like it's gone so fast to us on the outside and that there was hardly any paperwork :-)
('Cuz I didn't actually witness it!) It was a breeze being a bystander!
I know it was loads though and how hard and tirelessly you worked. And you really didn't complain much at all!
It is so sweet to read your mileposts. Congratulations!

Kathy said...

Yeah !!! It is very exciting to have that done and move on to the next step.
Congratulations !

Tara. said...

Awesome! You're just marking things off the "To Do" adoption list left and right!

TanyaLea said...

Congrats! I remember very well how exciting it is to have that step behind you! Next step, USCIS papers and Dossier prep...praying all of that goes well, too! Just take everything one step and one day at a time! Blessings and Hugs!! <><