Sunday, November 2, 2008

Googly Eyes Are Not Your Friend.

This morning when I picked Julianna up from Sunday school, she come running out proudly showing off her little cow that she made in class. It was pretty cute and it even had these little googly eyes glued on. So later, while our guest speaker was giving the message, she leaned over to me and whispered that she pulled off one of the little googly eyes and wanted to know if I would glue back on when we got home. I took the little eye from her, put it in my bag and went back to listening to the message. Well, I would say 10 minutes passed, and all of a sudden, my sweet angel of a child, yells "I swallowed my cows EYEEEEEE!" all while clutching her throat like she was choking on a chicken bone. So I scoop her up and run out of the Reach Center with her. She is crying hysterically and I can't seem to calm her down. I knew the eye wasn't big enough to hurt her, but it sure scared her. The funny part was how dramatic she was over the whole thing. Seeing her clutch her throat as if she was dying was too much. So I finally get her to calm down enough to go back in. Every time I looked over at her, she would grab her throat and whimper. So after church, she looked up at me and said "Mom, guess what? The cows eye in my tummy is MOOOOOOing!"

That child is too much. Never a dull moment in my family!


Stacie said...

Oh now that is hilarious!!

Unknown said...

I have no idea where she gets the drama gene...

Anonymous said...

MOOO is all I can say! :)
